Animal Behavior and Ethology


A program that focuses on the scientific study of the psychological and neurological bases of animal sensation, perception, cognition, behavior, and behavioral interactions within and outside the species. Includes instruction in ethology, behavioral neuroscience, neurobiology, behavioral evolution, cognition and sensory perception, motivators, learning and instinct, hormonal controls, reproductive and developmental biology, community ecology, functional behavior, and applications to specific behaviors and patterns as well as to specific phyla and species

Colleges and Universities

Here are some of our SAGE Scholar's member schools that offer Zoology/Animal Biology and related majors.

Canisius College
Carroll University
Eckerd College
Madonna University
Ursinus College
Utica University

To see the full list of schools that offer Biological And Biomedical Sciences majors

Biological Technicians
Zoologists and Wildlife Biologists