Tips and Tricks for Effective Studying

For many students, the stress and workload of high school can be too much to bear at times. With the weight of numerous rigorous courses, sports, and extracurriculars, it is especially important to find ways to maximize your studying. It's not always practical to be up until 1 or 2 AM trying to cram last minute for an exam or trying to finish assigned homework pages.

By Saumya Poddar — September 1, 2022

Tips and Tricks for Effective Studying

For many students, the stress and workload of high school can be too much to bear at times. With the weight of numerous rigorous courses, sports, and extracurriculars, it is especially important to find ways to maximize your studying. It's not always practical to be up until 1 or 2 AM trying to cram last minute for an exam or trying to finish assigned homework pages.

No one technique works better than others, and what works for some people may not work for others. It is important to figure out what is best for you! Trial and error is the best way to determine what works and doesn't. But once you figure out what works, these study habits can last through your life and help ease the tension and stress of a hectic workload.

Don't Procrastinate

This is the number one most common mistake students make. It is extremely important to start assignments right when they are given instead of waiting until the last minute. If you start one or two weeks before the due date, you have a chance to space out the work and chip away at it little by little. Instead of spending hours the night before it is due, spend 20-30 minutes a day until the due date. Keep in mind that procrastination only leads to added stress and anxiety!

Setting Matters

When you are in school, sometimes that quiet, studious setting can help you focus better and hone in on whatever you are doing. In that same way, it can be beneficial to create a study space outside of school where you can achieve that same quiet, focused environment. For example, setting up a desk in your room or some quiet area can simulate the studious environment at school. Being able to focus can reduce your workload by hours!

No Distractions

The number one distraction for teenagers is their phones, and I speak from experience on this one. When you have your phone sitting next to you while studying, the temptation to watch a few TikToks, or respond to a few Snapchats is always there. And we all know a few minutes of TikToks leads to an hour or two. Instead, try leaving your phone outside your room for an hour or two. Try challenging yourself and creating a goal to study for one hour, then maybe watch a few TikToks, then get back to studying. This way, you have a reward waiting for you after studying for a few hours.

Change It Up

A change of pace or setting can always help. Sometimes, a good distraction is what we need! Though studying alone in a quiet environment is important, studying with friends can be just as important. Friends can help motivate and push you, and having a friend group to study with can make things more enjoyable! Another idea is to walk away after an hour or two to another room, then come back later. This break helps ease the tension and stress of a large workload and helps break it down into smaller pieces.

Notes, Notes, Notes

Notes are such a great tool to summarize material and have something to go back to when studying for an exam. It is proven that writing down material helps you learn and understand it better. Rather than trying to memorize the whole textbook, understand the key parts and write them down. It is also important to create organized and readable notes. For some people, diagrams and tables are helpful; others may prefer the Oxford method of notation, and some like to use abbreviations or symbols to take fast notes. Effective, organized, and understandable notes are the key to efficient learning!

Ultimately, do what makes you feel the most comfortable with your learning. It can be a combination of these tips and tricks, or you may even find other tips to help you. Finding ways to study efficiently can be the key to getting through those hard, information-packed classes and passing your exams!

Saumya Poddar

Saumya Poddar

Saumya Poddar is a current high school senior at Allen D. Nease High School in Jacksonville, Florida in the International Baccalaureate Program. Saumya is in the process of applying to colleges and would like to share their high school experiences with others in the hopes of sharing tips and tricks to make the high school and college application journey as fun and easy as possible. In Saumya’s free time, they like to read books, travel to new places, try new things, and hang out with my friends.
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