Make The Most of Your College Experience

No matter where you attend college, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience various ups and downs, of both happiness and turmoil. These years will shape who you are and what you choose to become.

By Kameron Sims — October 12, 2022

Make The Most of Your College Experience

No matter where you attend college, it will be a once-in-a-lifetime experience various ups and downs, of both happiness and turmoil. Yet, amid it all, nothing else compares to your next four years. These years will shape who you are and what you choose to become. This article helps you find meaning in this myriad of experiences, not by explaining their purpose but by finding ways to utilize the things around them that they may not have otherwise known. Let's dive in!

Counseling Services

Counseling Services get a terrible rapport on college campuses because no one wants to deal with stigma. It might surprise you how many people wish they could afford—let alone receive— mental health services. No matter how prepared you arrive on campus, adjusting to college will present challenges. You're learning many new things and going through many identity-shaping and reshaping experiences throughout your college experience.

These changes may require you to talk to someone while navigating challenges and questions. Friends will provide insight, of course, but psychologists, counselors, and therapists all have substantial knowledge and experience helping people with issues related to mental health and personal development. Partying with friends may become a substance abuse or behavioral/mental health problem, for example. The stress of coursework may require healthier coping mechanisms. Counseling Services can sort through these challenges with the services provided by your college campus. Many campuses even offer less expensive and affordable counseling services compared to private practices.

Even if you do not need counseling services for problems, taking care of your brain like you take care of your body is part of taking on more responsibility as an adult. You can speak with a professional about your progress in college and ongoing thoughts that arise as you progress—all in a safe space. Counseling sessions are confidential unless you express a desire to harm yourself or others. If nothing else pushes you to use these services, the idea that you always have a space to share and be your most authentic may help diminish existing stigmas.


Relationships are essential to your success in college, and I mean the opportunity to build healthy relationships and sustainable connections.

You will see your professors or must meet with them at some point during the semester—whether for new class registration, graduation, or just around campus. Having well-established relationships ensures a better outcome in the program. Attentive learning and arriving to class on time create conducive learning environments and respects the Professor's work and research.

Arriving late, checking your phone, interrupting, or not showing up to class diminishes the opportunity to network effectively with you and the Professor. It also exemplifies a lack of effort and care for the Professor as a person first. Down the line, you may need a letter of recommendation or a student job. Positively cultivating your relationships with Professors allows you to seek help, advice, or opportunities even after the course concludes.

You may also need your peers differently than you did in high school. You'll form study groups with your peers and help each other through challenging courses. Do not let pride create unnecessary suffering because you close yourself off from valuable relationships. This does not require you to become best friends with everyone you meet, but a level of professionalism and openness goes a long way during difficult semesters. Participating in class discussions and attending group meetings with others in your department is an easy way to create sustainable and impactful relationships.

Your family also plays a significant role in your success. Remember, they have their own lives to tend to—especially if you are away from home. Just because they cannot always show up in the ways you wish does not mean they do not care or support you. Everyone has human limitations, which we all must understand. Forgive, and let love and peace lead the way.

Career Services, Tutoring, Online Learning

Take advantage of all services that your college campus implements. Once you graduate or leave the institution, you lose access to these benefits. Access to online materials and tools that aid your learning will require payment once you leave your institution. Take full advantage of these things in college, and they will benefit you tremendously. Not only did I do well in school, but I could use these services to find jobs, help others, and enjoy all that college has to offer. Start by navigating your school's website to learn about labs, features, tools, aids, and many other benefits your college offers. You may be surprised!

Just Have Fun

Above all, just have fun, but please do so safely. You can go away from home to attend school and never come home. Your maturity levels have not fully developed if you attend college right after high school. Curiosity will lead many of the things college students do. It is an established structure made for curious people. My curiosity in college made me a much wiser individual. College can be difficult, but it does not always have to be that way. Making the most of your experience is doing what makes you the happiest but what is also fun. I implore everyone to explore individuals, perspectives, places, and experiences in college, on and off campus.

Most importantly, you set your limitations and boundaries. Be firm in them. Don't let college be an experience that you remember and regret. Make the most of it! Besides, if it is an exciting four years of your life, why not do everything you can to make it that way?

Kameron Sims

Kameron Sims

Kameron Sims is a freelance writer for SAGE Scholars, Inc. He is currently a Master's student, studying psychology. Sims has a passion for learning. He enjoys being a vessel to collect knowledge and information, hoping to share the contents of this vessel to others.
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