The Ultimate College Visit Question Guide

Here are 30 sample questions that you may want to ask on your college visits.

By Mackenzie Roberts — February 7, 2023

The Ultimate College Visit Question Guide

College visits can be exciting! However, it is easy to get lost in the excitement and forget what questions you may have. It may be possible that you also do not know what kind of questions you should be asking. Here is a list of 30 sample questions that you may want to ask on your college visits.


  1. How many students are accepted?
  2. What is the student makeup and diversity of this school?
  3. What is required for my application to be considered complete?
  4. What is the acceptance process like?
  5. When is the final deadline to submit my application?

Meeting with an admission counselor is a great time to ask any other questions you have about the application and acceptance process!

Financial Aid:

  1. What is the cost of tuition including room and board?
  2. What school scholarships are available to me?
  3. Can I stack scholarships from this institution? Ex: Academic and Sports Scholarships
  4. When is the deadline for the FAFSA?
  5. What resources are offered to guide and aid me in the process of paying my tuition?

Sorting out the cost of college can be confusing. Each college has unique scholarship opportunities and tuition requirements. Get as much information as you can!

Questions for a Professor:

  1. What majors and minors are offered in my area of interest?
  2. What are class sizes like?
  3. What kind of opportunities does this department offer? Ex: internships, research assistant, etc.
  4. What are some big projects your students partake in?
  5. What courses are required for completion of this major?

Picking a major can be difficult but talking to a professor can provide clarity on the matter as well as give you an idea of what you may be studying!

Campus Life:

  1. What fraternities/sororities are there if any?
  2. What clubs are active on campus?
  3. What work-study options are available?
  4. What do students do for fun?
  5. What kind of security measures are in place?

Some of the best memories in college take place outside of college. Make sure you find out what opportunities there are to enjoy your time outside of schoolwork!


  1. What kind of housing is available?
  2. How many people live in each unit?
  3. What is included in each dorm? Ex: Washer, Dryer, A/C, etc.
  4. Are the bathrooms private or communal?
  5. How much time do students typically spend in their dorms?

Moving away from home can be tough no doubt. When touring housing options, make sure you get as much information as you can before leaving your visit!


  1. Does the bookstore sell all required materials?
  2. What kind of tutoring options are available?
  3. Does the cafeteria offer a wide variety of foods?
  4. What kind of transportation is available for students?
  5. What mental health services are available to students?

As a student ambassador who provides students with tours, I have heard many different questions. These are 30 questions that are frequently asked when students are on their visit. Feel free to add to the list and do not hesitate to write them down and take them with you!

Enjoy your college visit!

Mackenzie Roberts

Mackenzie Roberts

Mackenzie Roberts is a senior at William Penn University majoring in History and Political Science. On campus, Mackenzie is an active presence, enjoying her roles as Student Ambassador and the Department Assistant for Social and Behavioral Sciences. Mackenzie loves college student life and expanding her knowledge on various topics.
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