Make the Most Out of Your Virtual College Visit

In this article, you will find tips to help you get the most out of your virtual visits and help you refine your search to find the best college or university for you.

By SAGE Scholars — November 15, 2021

Make the Most Out of Your Virtual College Visit

Virtual college visits can have advantages and added opportunities in the college selection process. The key is to be prepared and stay organized. Below you will find tips to help you get the most out of your virtual visits and help you refine your search to find the best college or university for you.

  1. Schedule Virtual College Visits

    It is tempting to just surf through college websites when you can, but it is important to dedicate time to focus on each college you are interested in. You are likely viewing a number of schools, and they may start blurring together. By setting aside a specific time to explore each school, you’ll reduce confusion and get a better sense of the places that might be a good fit.

  2. Structure Visits to Cover the Basics & Your Interests

    Typical college visits include a campus tour, an information session, and sometimes an interview with an admission counselor. You can use this same structure for your virtual visits. It will give you a baseline to judge the colleges you are considering and compare to future in-person visits.

    Take advantage of the opportunity to ask questions about admission requirements, financial aid, academics, dining, dorms and life on campus. Colleges have created virtual options for all of these activities as well as ways to dive deeper into specific areas that interest you. Asking questions via chat during video sessions gives you a chance to get all of your questions answered live or in a post-session follow up.

  3. Talk to People on Campus

    College admission counselors are looking forward to connecting with students in any way that they can. Keep in mind that conversations are not limited to just admission counselors. Many schools have financial aid counselors, current students and professors who are eager to connect with prospective students and talk about their respective schools and experiences.

  4. List College Priorities & Rate Each School

    Make it a point to have a list of questions that you ask each school. The responses to these questions can help you rank schools based on their desirability as it relates to your interests and must-have features. Take notes about aspects of a school that are unique or particularly appealing or unappealing to help narrow the list of schools that you decide to apply to.

SAGE Scholars

SAGE Scholars

At SAGE Scholars, we deeply believe in the value and quality of private higher education. Our mission is to provide access to affordable college opportunities while bringing together families, colleges & universities, and benefit providers to create college funding solutions. Since 1995, SAGE Scholars has bridged the gap between students who want a quality private college education and colleges that will work closely with member families to ensure affordability — all at no cost to the families.
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