Questions to Ask While Preparing to Study Abroad

Here are some questions to ask while preparing to study abroad.

By Clara Wodny — October 27, 2023

Questions to Ask While Preparing to Study Abroad

Congratulations, you've decided to study abroad! It's time to get excited and start dreaming about your upcoming trip.

As you will likely find out, it's necessary to embrace the unknowns and a go-with-the-flow attitude while studying abroad. You'll want to be prepared and knowledgeable before your grand adventure to be best equipped to respond to unexpected challenges and get the most out of your experience.

Here are some questions that I asked, or wish I asked, before starting my year-long study abroad program.

Questions to Ask Yourself

What parts of my current experience am I most hesitant to give up?

You likely pondered this question when deciding to study abroad, and now is a good time to revisit your answers. This question helps you determine which activities to prioritize during your year abroad. For example, you might be conflicted about giving up your sports team, musical ensemble, or close friend group. Chances are, your new home abroad will have many of these same opportunities available if you look for them! The time between committing to a program and arriving at your destination is a great time to do research and reach out to organizations that interest you, so you have can form a connection before arrival.

What are my biggest worries, and how can I address them?

As my departure date approached, I got nervous that I had made a mistake committing to a year abroad. Having doubts come up while you're still at home can be a good thing. It gives you a chance to address hesitations and work with people you trust to create a plan for when things get rough while you're abroad. If you're worried about missing your friends and family, you can share your concerns and work together to figure out the best way to communicate and stay in touch during your program. If you're worried about culture shock or how you will navigate a foreign academic system, speaking to former students and reaching out to the international student liaison and other support services at the university you will attend can make the transition smoother.

What are my goals for this experience?

Check in with yourself to stay grounded and focused on why you chose this program in the first place. Everyone will answer this question differently. Maybe your biggest goals are related to academics and how this program will build your resume, or maybe you're more focused on the social aspect and experiencing a new country. There are no wrong answers! Keeping your goals clearly in mind will help you prioritize yourself and have something to hold on to when you're missing home or having doubts.

Questions to Ask Others

Don't think you have to make every preparation by yourself! Your professors, academic advisors, program leaders, and former students, family, and friends who will help guide you through the process.

Are there any scholarship programs/funding available?

While you should definitely do your own research, it doesn't hurt to ask for advice from people who have been through the process before and know what's available that would be a good fit for you. Your school's study abroad office is a good place to start. You can also get connected with past students who have taken the same trip you're preparing for, and ask your academic advisor and department head whether there might be any funding available for students in your particular major.

What kind of Visa/Documentation will I need?

It is extremely important that you obtain the correct passport, visa, or other documentation needed to reside and study legally while abroad. Many countries require different types of visas depending how long you will be staying, where your point of origin is, and how where you study. Make sure you check with program advisors and your school's study abroad coordinators that you complete the correct application. This is something you'll want to do immediately after committing to your program— the process can take quite a while, and it's smart to plan in buffer time in case anything goes wrong.

What classes will I be taking, and how will they transfer to my degree?

If you're studying at another institution while abroad, you'll want to ask about what courses are pre-approved for international/exchange students, and how many you're expected to take. In most cases, it is helpful to gather some idea of what courses you'd like to take, so that you can check with your home school's registrar to make sure they will transfer properly.

IMPORTANT: Make sure you know how many credits you're allowed to take, and how these will transfer to American credits!!
How do I pack?

Personally, this was my biggest source of anxiety when preparing for my program. I spent months mentally stressing about what to bring, ultimately packing and repacking my bags right up until the last moment. Asking program advisors and former students who know the climate of your destination, as well as what will be available to you upon arrival, is a great idea. Beyond that, try not to worry too much. In the end, you will be able to acquire everything you need, and you'll be far more focused on the experience than the stuff.

Acknowledge Your Instincts?

If you have any other questions or uncertainties nagging at you, share them with someone you trust— they want to help you succeed! And remember, this experience is yours, no one else. Enjoy it, and congratulate yourself for taking a risk that will have great reward!

Clara Wodny

Clara Wodny

Clara Wodny is a junior at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa, where she studies English and Visual Communications. Her junior year will be spent in Nottingham, England, as part of the University of Nottingham’s exchange program.
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