Finding Internships While In College

Finding the right internship while in college can be challenging but worth it. Not only can an internship offer you invaluable career experience while still in school, but it also builds a strong professional foundation and networking opportunities for a future career. These benefits can manifest themselves both in short-term and long-term results.

By Jessica Dickenson — August 9, 2022

Finding Internships While In College

Finding the right internship while in college can be challenging but worth it. Not only can an internship offer you invaluable career experience while still in school, but it also builds a strong professional foundation and networking opportunities for a future career. These benefits can manifest themselves both in short-term and long-term results

According to the 2019 Internship & Co-op Survey Report from the National Association of College and Employers (NACE), 70.4% of students get job offers after completing their internship. NACE also reports that completing internships within their industry a is one of the top attributes employers look for when hiring a new employee.

You may be anxious to get your foot in the door but have questions about where to start your internship search. Here are some insights and tips to help you discover and secure your ideal internship.

Start at Your School

Your school should always be the first place to check for internships. Colleges sometimes partner with local employers or alumni who will share job openings at their organizations. They may be specifically looking for students like you to fill temporary gaps in employment. Career services may send out notifications or post these opportunities on a job board accessible to all students.

You should also speak with your advisor who can help guide you in the right direction about upcoming internships. Depending on your college and the internship you apply for, your internship may satisfy the required credits for your degree. They may also be able to offer insights into what previous students have done or provide you with valuable connections.

Check out Organizations That Interest You

Is there a specific company that you’ve always wanted to work for? Are you passionate about a specific cause?

Interning is the perfect opportunity to get deeper into what inspires you! Make a list of the companies where you’d like to intern, and then visit each company’s website. While not every organization you are interested in will have opportunities available, you may be surprised by what you find. You may be inspired to find another internship opportunity at a similar organization.

Many non-profit or social causes may offer volunteer opportunities that you may be able to turn into an unpaid internship.

Check out Internships Online

There are endless online resources to help you find an internship. According to Forbes, some of the best places online to find college internships include:

  • LinkedIn
  • Glassdoor

You may already be familiar with these sites, but these aren’t just websites for jobs. Many can narrow down the search criteria to only include internships or add the word "internship" to any job search phrase that matches what you’re looking for.

Searching for internships online can be a great resource but also daunting. You may start your search and discover thousands of opportunities! Try to clearly understand where you would like to work and what you hope to get out of your internship.

Search Your Network

Never underestimate the power of your network! Networking doesn’t just include connecting with professionals it also includes your close network of friends and family. Once you know you want to take on an internship in college, tell everyone you know. While your friends and family may not know of internships, they may have someone in their network who does. If a friend, parent, or other family member hears about an upcoming internship at their company, they can keep you in the loop.

A bonus of having your friends and family help you is that you’ll likely have someone at the company willing to offer you a glowing recommendation. Regarding jobs and internships, recommendations can go a long way, so don’t underestimate the power of word of mouth.

Go to a Career Fair

While you may associate career fairs with full-time positions, some companies will advertise internships. Not only is it a good way to hone your interpersonal skills, but you may leave with some valuable network connections. Some hiring managers will be im pressed that you left campus to find a college internship and may be able to offer you an unadvertised position.

Come prepared with your resume and spend the day networking.

If you have already heard it a hundred times before, it is because it is true: believe in yourself.

Confidence isn’t something that can be taught through an internship and career, although it is highly valued. You may still have a lot to learn, but showing that you are willing to work towards your goals and are proactive about your future goes a long way. No matter how you approach your internship search, show how your confidence and abilities will make you shine as an employee!

Jessica Dickenson

Jessica Dickenson

Jessica Dickenson graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran College with degrees in English and communication. She has applied her abilities working as a young marketing professional for a local university but works as a freelance writer and photographer in her spare time. She currently resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her husband.
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