Introducing The SAGE Scholars Student Ambassador Program

By SAGE Scholars — July 13, 2023

Our mission at SAGE Scholars is to provide students and their families with academic, career, and financial information to make informed college–related discissions.

To support our mission, we have launched FastTrak, a first-of-its-kind that, in effect, reverses the admissions process. FastTrak gives SAGE Scholars students an opportunity, by submitting some basic academic information, to learn of their admissibility, prior to applying, from multiple SAGE Scholars member colleges and universities.

The tension and strain of college life and academics don’t stop at matriculation. To assist students in navigating life before, during, and after college, we launched the SAGE Scholar’s Newsroom. Updated weekly, our library of articles includes everything from maximizing your time in high school to mastering your graduate school application (pun intended!) to building your resume and networking for life before and after college.

Student Ambassadors
Now, we’ve identified another need among our member students and families: community. We know that families who receive step-by-step information and support experience more positive admissions, retention, and graduation experiences. Students who receive community support also experience benefits that enhance their university experience and future life prospects. When actively participating in communities, students foster a sense of belonging that contributes to emotional and academic well-being during a critical transitional period of their lives.

Strong community interactions also equip students with diverse perspectives and soft skills that set them apart in today’s globalized world. In community settings, students gain opportunities to network with peers, mentors, and industry professionals, paving the way for internships, job opportunities, and collaborations, vitally contributing to their professional development. With these benefits in mind, we’re introducing the SAGE Scholars Student Ambassador Program, a student support initiative open to students currently attending or matriculating into a SAGE Scholars member college or university.

As a SAGE Scholars Ambassador, students will have access to resources — such as webinars, newsletters, and mentorship — and become a part of a high-achieving national cohort of matriculating college freshmen. Together, we’ll guide students through their first year of college and beyond. Whether it’s developing new skills, refining study habits, or learning how to build more sustainable connections with peers and faculty, our SAGE Scholars Ambassador community will encourage and provide the resources and peer mentorship that help students maximize their college experience and put them on the pathway to success.

Be on the lookout for our announcement of our first SAGE Scholars Ambassadors cohort in the Fall of 2023. Ambassadors receive a biweekly newsletter in their inbox that includes information for navigating all the stressors that come with freshman year, from those that students may have heard about to the ones they haven’t. Ambassadors will also receive an invitation to our twice-semester webinar series with college educators, current college students, and professionals. These informal Q&A style hangouts introduce students to networking opportunities with people across the country and provide opportunities to ask questions about internships and career paths.

With all these exciting benefits added to our SAGE Scholars program, you may notice quite a few website changes. Ambassadors will be featured on our website and have the opportunity to opt into additional publishing opportunities in SAGE Scholars Newsroom — along with other video, marketing, and writing projects tailored to each student’s strength. These projects support fellow and future first-year students and help them to build a resume and/or portfolio that stands out from the crowd.

Want to learn more about what it takes to become a SAGE Scholars Student Ambassador? We encourage you to keep a close eye on our website for forthcoming information. There, students and families can learn more program benefits, meet the current cohort, and explore our expanding benefits for SAGE Scholars students. We’re working continually to serve our students best and provide them with the diverse support structures that ensure success.

Want To Join The Newsroom?

To provide our SAGE Scholars’ families the knowledge they need to prepare and matriculate into member schools, we seek highly qualified writers and students to contribute to our Newsroom. Interested in joining the team?

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