What is the TEAS Test?

Most students have heard of the SAT or ACT as a part of the college admissions process, but you may be unfamiliar with the TEAS. If you aren’t applying for nursing school, you probably haven’t heard of it before. Nursing students readying to start their degree may encounter additional requirements before they begin college.

By Jessica Dickenson — August 30, 2022

What is the TEAS Test?

Most students have heard of the SAT or ACT as a part of the college admissions process, but you may be unfamiliar with the TEAS. If you aren't applying for nursing school, you probably haven't heard of it before. Nursing students readying to start their degree may encounter additional requirements before they begin college.

What is the TEAS test?

The TEAS stands for Test of Essential Academic Skills. The exam tests whether future students have the essential academic skills to perform well in nursing school. Its purpose is comparable to SAT or ACT testing, but the material is geared specifically toward nursing students.

Colleges won't just have you take the TEAS unexpectedly. The TEAS is often part of the whole application process that nursing students must take to get into nursing school, including transcripts, an application, an essay, letters of recommendation, and fees. There are also many testing books and classes available to assist students in preparing for the exam. Study groups are also available in some areas.

The TEAS exam is similar to the Health Education Systems Incorporated Admissions (HESI A2) exam, which some institutions use as an alternative test for a student's application.

What is on the TEAS test?

The exam is completed very quickly. Students have 209 minutes to answer the 170 multiple choice questions on the TEAS. Only 150 of those questions count in your score. The remaining 20 questions are for internal company purposes only.

Similar to other college entrance exams, students test across four subject areas: reading, mathematics, science, and English language usage. According to the official TEAS website, the exam breaks down very specifically:

  • Reading: 45 questions over 55 minutes. Some types of questions students include key ideas and details about written material, structure, and integration of knowledge and ideas.

  • Mathematics: 38 questions over 57 minutes. Questions include numbers and algebra and measurement and data.

  • Science: 50 questions over 60 minutes. Some types of questions to be expected include human anatomy and physiology, biology, chemistry, and scientific reasoning.

  • English and Language Usage: 37 minutes over 37 minutes. This portion of the exam asks questions about conventions of standard English, language knowledge, and vocabulary to express ideas in writing.

How Many Times Can You Take the TEAS Exam?

You shouldn’t worry too much about a perfect score the first time you take the TEAS. Every institution has unique rules and requirements for how many times a student can take the TEAS exam and how long you must wait between exams. Some universities allow students to take the test twice, but others may allow more. You will have to speak with the institution you plan to attend to determine what their program allows.

What Is a Good TEAS Score?

You should always aim for 100%, but that is not always feasible. According to Kaplan, competitive TEAS scores are between 70%-90%. The national average composite score varies with each test administration, but the national average is usually between 65% and 75%. Nursing is a challenging career, so the TEAS reflects that effort.

You shouldn't be disappointed if you score low in one subject area. Schools know that students are not perfect in every subject area. As long as your score is above passing, you should be proud of your accomplishments!

Jessica Dickenson

Jessica Dickenson

Jessica Dickenson graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran College with degrees in English and communication. She has applied her abilities working as a young marketing professional for a local university but works as a freelance writer and photographer in her spare time. She currently resides in Milwaukee, Wisconsin with her husband.
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