Wellness Tips for Students

Students everywhere are under a lot of pressure. So it's important to take time to mentally prepare for the stresses of school. Remember, you can succeed academically without sapping your mental health.

By SAGE Scholars — June 7, 2022

Four tips to help students manage stress during the upcoming school year.

Students everywhere are under a lot of pressure. So it's important to take time to mentally prepare for the stresses of school. Remember, you can succeed academically without sapping your mental health.

  1. Don't Try to Do Everything
  2. Yes, colleges like to see that a student is well- rounded, but that doesn't mean you have to join as many clubs and sports as possible. Focus on what you are good at and what you enjoy doing. Also, don't pass on something just because your friends aren't doing it. You can always expand your friend group and meet new people.

  3. Get a Jump Start on Midterms and Finals
  4. As soon as you get your class syllabus make a list of when each class is scheduled to have a midterm and a final and put it on the calendar. Also, make note of when any big assignments are due. Then, you can set goals of when you want to start your study/review period. The first few weeks of class are a wonderful time to make friends and socialize, but also a great time to see which students are excelling in the classroom. These rising stars usually make great study partners.

  5. Don't Skimp on Sleep
  6. Humans need sleep to function well, but far too often students brag about how little sleep they got. Bottom line- it's not healthy and if you can get a full night's sleep, you should! You can't drive a car with no gas in the engine and the same thing goes for your body.

  7. Make Use of College Mental Health Resources
  8. Mental Health awareness has received a big boost in recent years, but according a recent study by Higher Education Today, only about 10 to 15 percent of students struggling with mental health concerns seek services at a counseling center. If you are having trouble coping, know that you are not alone, and that millions of others have experienced or are experiencing similar issues. You just need to reach out to the caring professionals at your college counseling center who are waiting to help you.

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SAGE Scholars

At SAGE Scholars, we deeply believe in the value and quality of private higher education. Our mission is to provide access to affordable college opportunities while bringing together families, colleges & universities, and benefit providers to create college funding solutions. Since 1995, SAGE Scholars has bridged the gap between students who want a quality private college education and colleges that will work closely with member families to ensure affordability — all at no cost to the families.
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