Terrilynn Cantlon

Terrilynn Cantlon is a graduation speaker of a large public community college and a select women’s college high-achieving graduate, a poet, and presently writing “Paradise Found Book II: Escape from Eden.” Her many academic highlights are Teaching and Tutoring across the curriculum. Her passion is teaching English Literature and The Academic Essay, while empowering students to write their best work with a strong academic voice and a solid foundation in the Art of the Essay. She believes in Social Justice and Civic Leadership, while challenging all students to successfully rise above the academic challenge by using Academic Excellence strategies and techniques.

Articles By Terrilynn Cantlon

By: Terrilynn Cantlon — August 10, 2022
I have taught academic success strategies to many people over the years. There is no denying that college can be challenging. The better the college, often the more it costs and the more competitive it becomes. There are as many ways to achieve your college goals as colleges and resources available. Preplanning for college involves researching, creating a plan, and overcoming obstacles.
By: Terrilynn Cantlon — August 10, 2022
Tags: college life
Every year new students arrive at college. The similarities to high school end right after parents, siblings, mentors, and caretakers leave for home. If the media is to be believed, colleges will be enrolling students in despair. College has become a metaphor for lack of well-being, and many students have tuned out. Social challenges and upheavals aside, college is not high school. College is where you, the student, are put in charge of achieving academic and social results-and for many students, this total control of personal, academic, and social success happens for the first time.

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