Five Ways to Benefit from Utilizing Campus Counseling Services

Campus counseling centers offer multiple services to students. A unique aspect of college mental health centers is that all services are 100% free for all students, which is why all students should give it a try.

By Kennae Hunter — October 12, 2022

Five Ways to Benefit from Utilizing  Campus Counseling Services

Campus counseling centers offer multiple services to students. Some of those services may include group counseling, online counseling, therapy sessions, distribution of mental health resources and navigating college, etc. A unique aspect of college mental health centers is that all services are 100% free for all students, which is why all students should give it a try. College is an exciting experience. It requires, however, that students learn how to adapt to various situations in a very short time — from learning how to cope with very little sleep to meeting people from different walks of life to living on their own for the very first time.

Through counseling, students can work with emotions and interpersonal relationships to help them manage their feelings and see things from a different perspective. In other words, the student does not have to go through trauma or a huge life event to benefit from counseling. Talking to a professional allows them to understand how they appear to people while also offering insights into how their emotions affect their daily lives. Whatever the need, counseling services can help students get feedback on their feelings.

During my sophomore year of college, as a naïve nineteen-year-old girl, I stumbled across the hidden gem of the counseling center and gave it a try. It was a challenging year for me. Since it was free, I figured I had nothing to lose. After my first session, I could already tell that the sessions were making me feel better. My counselor helped me find the source of my stress, talk through emotions, provided tools for success to keep me balanced outside of sessions, and made me more aware of the importance of mental health and my feelings.

It was the first time I learned I struggled with anxiety. I didn’t know what to do with that information, but my counselor ensured I understood that term and how to overcome it by relying on self-love, happiness, and encouragement. I learned how to be there for myself, which contributed to a 180-degree turn in my mental health. To this day, the resources my counseling center provided me back then made me mentally stronger. Without having this campus resource, I may have otherwise never accessed counseling services.

Here are five ways you can benefit from utilizing your campus counseling services:

Safe Space to Clarify a Problem

Counselors will listen to your concerns and feelings to help you better understand what may be going on in your life. They will offer third-party, unbiased advice that will give you some clarity and understanding of what you may have been going through. For example, when I first began attending counseling, I had the impression I was "too emotional" because I cried often. My counselor assured me that my expression of emotions was normal.

Gaining More Knowledge on Mental Health

Sometimes with the stigmas surrounding mental health, people do not have as many conversations about it as necessary. To learn more about mental health for yourself or to support loved ones, the counseling center can provide credible information on any subtopics regarding mental health.

Improved Communication Skills

For those who have a more challenging time articulating their feelings and emotions or even asking for help with anything, attending the counseling center can help you learn how to do that. Consistently opening up little by little and learning to trust your counselor will help improve communication skills over time.

Coping/Managing Mental Health Conditions

If you are already aware of a mental health condition you are suffering from, the counseling center can teach you ways to cope and manage it in ways that do not involve medicine. Most campuses do not have counselors that can prescribe medication. They may refer you to someone who can or give you tools to help yourself, such as journaling, avoiding triggers or eliminating toxic friends.

Explore Opportunities for Change

If you are unsure if you are passionate about your major or don't like that club you are a member of, the counseling center can also help you explore other options your campus offers. Many students do not know who to talk to about their feelings regarding campus climate. These conversations can be awkward to discuss with the department head or leader of the club. Your counselor can be your confidant when exploring opportunities for change in college.

Kennae Hunter

Kennae Hunter

Kennae Hunter is a freelance writer for SAGE Scholars, Inc. She recently graduated college one year ago with her bachelor’s degree in mass communications and is following her dreams of being a reporter. Hunter has a passion for writing and does so in her free time along with reading a variety of genres of books. She hopes to inform the community on all things about college to make their experience just as enjoyable as hers.
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