How An Instructor Can Make Your Life Easier

There are a lot of different ways instructors can alleviate testing anxiety, usually with minimal additional labor.

By Al Dickenson — June 12, 2023

How An Instructor Can Make Your Life Easier

Students, no matter how well they have fared in a class thus far, always worry about how their next grade will impact them. "Did I misremember something?" is a commonly asked question, as is "Did I get those two terms mixed up?" The questions are endless — both on the test (or so it seems) and as playing it back in the mind. There can be a lot of anxiety in testing, be the tests yes/no, truth/false, or essay based. However, there are a lot of different ways instructors can alleviate that anxiety, usually with minimal additional labor.

Colored Pens

First, and though this may seem strange or childish, using colored pens or pencils when marking a student's test or paper can be a relief. Since childhood, so many brains have been ingrained with the notion that red equals bad or a mistake. While the student may very well have gotten something wrong, try using a different color — purple, let's say — to mark their incorrect answers.

As red can often be a triggering color, especially in academia, seeing that a different color is on their work may relieve some immediate stress as the project returns to them. Seeing an alternate color can draw attention to the wrong answers they gave without the added stress, thereby showing students the error of their ways. Instead of just writing those answers off as wrong, the student may be more inclined to read through why they made that mistake, which can improve knowledge retention and prevent similar mistakes in the future.

Final Grade, Final Page

Another very simple method to alleviate stress for students concerns the placement of the final grade mark. Generally speaking, final grades appear either on the first page of a test or paper or on the final page. Personally, I argue that placing the final grade on the last page serves the student better. Presuming that there are other marks besides the final grade, the student can see how the instructor got to that conclusion by following along throughout the paper or test, finally reaching the last page and the comments and/or final grade it holds. While this may seem like a simple adjustment, the student is more likely to absorb the constructive criticism that lies within the entire paper, instead of just focusing on the final grade, whether it is good or bad.

By placing the final grade on the first page, the student reviewer has nothing to look forward to or expect. Instead, all the student sees is the grade — ignoring how the instructor got to that conclusion. By putting that final grade elsewhere, for example, the final page, the student sees the logic behind the grade, which has a further impact on future testing.

Clear Grading Rubric

Probably the simplest method of all to help students in knowing what to expect on a test or paper is by providing a rubric of some sort. It can be verbal or written, but by simply telling the students how you will grade their work will lift a weight off of so many shoulders. I have seen professors and teachers give separate rubrics for each class assignment, and others who give rubrics in the syllabus. (Bonus points for the rubric: while it can be a little overwhelming for students, at least all the cards are on the table early to let students decide the best course of action. Additionally, the rubric-inclusive syllabi are usually for classes that have just one type of test, usually essays.) Either way an instructor chooses, they cannot go wrong — students will thank you later, and probably do better in the class.

The best part of the rubric is that it gives a student something to refer back to. Stress often comes from trying to relive an experience and change it, or wonder what could have been done differently. Even if the student made a mistake, there can be some acceptance of the fact that the rubric will grade the project this way instead of that way, or at the whim and subjectiveness of the teacher. While the rubric may seem like a cheat sheet in many ways, in the majority of working-world roles, when given a task, an employee will have some instruction, even if it is just an end goal. It seems very reasonable to have that accommodation in academia as well.

Additionally, by having a rubric, you may be able to cut down on potential grade change requests. If you have everything written down in an understandable way and have explained yourself, chances are the student was given ample opportunities to challenge the explanation, consider the choices made, and submit said requests.

Though these choices may not make a huge impact on your students, they are things to consider in the stress relief category. Here is another challenge: talk to students (maybe even individually, especially if they are struggling) and ask what would help them the most. Likewise, students, ask your instructor for assistance and advice. The pupil-master relationship, like any relationship, is a two-way street, so be sure to use both sides of the road.

Al Dickenson

Al Dickenson

Al Dickenson graduated from Wisconsin Lutheran College with bachelor’s degrees in history, communication, and English. He currently serves as an editor for an international equine practitioners’ magazine in and around Milwaukee, Wisconsin, his hometown, where he lives with his wife.
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