Effective Techniques for Dealing with Exam Stress

This article will explore proven strategies to manage stress during exams, giving learners a practical toolkit to meet examination periods with cool calmness and poised readiness.

By Justina Thompson — August 8, 2023

Effective Techniques for Dealing with Exam Stress

"Stress during exams? Let's tackle it together."

In the modern, tightly packed education landscape, students of all ages regularly experience the emotional yo-yo that often accompanies examination periods. An epoch of nail-biting anticipation, late-night study sessions, and not to forget, immense pressure to perform, studying for exams can be more than just tasking; it can be overwhelmingly stressful.

This article will explore proven strategies to manage stress during exams, giving learners a practical toolkit to meet examination periods with cool calmness and poised readiness.

Understanding Exam Stress

Before we dive into the effective techniques for mitigating exam stress, it's essential to understand what causes it. Exam stress typically results from a fear of underperforming or failing, pressure from parents or peers, and the sheer volume of information to learn or tasks to complete in a limited timeframe. These anxieties can lead to sleep disturbance, poor concentration, a pessimistic mindset, and overall diminished academic performance.

It's vital to remember that while a certain level of stress can help motivate us to perform at our best, chronic stress can hinder performance. The key is to manage stress effectively, transforming it into a catalyst for success rather than an obstacle to overcome.

Technique 1: Prioritize Health

One of the often overlooked, but immensely beneficial ways to handle stress is to maintain a healthy lifestyle. When exams are approaching, students might deprioritize sleep, healthy eating, and physical exercise. However, this can lead to burnout and increased stress levels.

Regular Exercise:

Physical exercise produces endorphins, chemicals in the brain that act as natural painkillers and mood elevators. You don't necessarily have to dive into intense workouts. Regular moderate exercises like a brisk walk, yoga, or even dancing to your favorite tunes can serve as a much-needed stress buster.

Balanced diet:

Eating a balanced diet not only provides the necessary nutrients needed by the body to perform well under stress but also maintains a healthy gut, strongly linked to your mood. Incorporate foods that are rich in complex carbohydrates, proteins, and omega-3 fatty acids as they will make you feel full, maintain energy levels, and enhance cognitive functions.

Adequate Sleep:

Sleep rejuvenates your mind and body, preparing it to absorb more information the next day. Deep quality sleep has also been proven to improve memory and cognitive functioning, essential during any examination.

Technique 2: Organization

Becoming more organized can reduce exam stress greatly. Leading up to exams, your life may seem like a whirlwind of information and assignments. The chaos of it all can be stressful in itself. Here's how you can stay organized:


Creating a structured study schedule highlights your objectives, saving you from last-minute cramming. Estimating how long each task will take can help you set realistic goals and also allow for breaks.


Break down your assignments into manageable chunks. Don't try to study an entire subject in one go. Instead, tackle a portion of a chapter at a time. This makes the task seem less daunting and more achievable, reducing stress.


Keep your study space clutter-free, stocked with necessary materials. A clean, well-organized environment can also serve to declutter your mind, making studying less overwhelming.

Stay tuned for Part 2 where we will discuss more effective techniques to conquer exam stress. These strategies include mindfulness practices, utilizing study techniques, asking for help, and the power of positive thinking. Remember, exams are important but so is your mental wellbeing. Enter the arena of exams equipped and ready — you are more than capable.

Technique 3: Mindset

Cultivate a positive mind-set. Your perspective towards your exams can greatly influence the amount of stress you experience. Instead of viewing exams as menacing threats, try to perceive them as opportunities to demonstrate your understanding. Adopt a growth mindset, recognizing that challenges are integral to the learning journey, enhancing your ability to comprehend and master new skills.

Another aspect of this technique involves practicing self-compassion. The pursuit of perfection often breeds stress. But remember, it's fine not to be perfect. Make peace with your mistakes and see them as stepping-stones to improvement rather than as signs of failure.

Technique 4: Practice Mindfulness and Relaxation

Exam season is a challenging period marked by high stress and anxiety. While approaches of maintaining health and staying organized are essential, there's another technique that brings substantial benefits in managing exam stress: practicing mindfulness and relaxation. This technique not only reduces stress but also cultivates mental resilience and enhances focus during your studies and exams.

Mindfulness can be defined as paying attention to your thoughts, emotions, and feelings in a particular moment without judgment. It brings your mind to focus on the present. Worrying about future outcomes or dwelling in past mistakes triggers stress, neither of which are productive to your academic efforts. The practice of mindfulness encourages you to stay centered, not carried away by such unproductive thoughts.

Deep Breathing

Practicing mindfulness can start with something as simple as deep breathing. This technique is very practical and can quickly induce a state of calmness and clarity. Simply find a comfortable position, close your eyes, and concentrate on your breathing. Slowly inhale and exhale, ensuring that each breath is longer than the last. As you practice deep breathing, let go of distracting thoughts and bring your focus back to your breath.

You can extend this mindfulness practice by meditating for a short period each day. To begin, commit to five minutes a day and gradually increase as you get comfortable. Apps like Insight Timer or Calm offer guided meditations specifically designed for stress reduction. Permitting yourself these moments of stillness and mental rest will aid in decompressing your mind and alleviate exam stress.


Moreover, progressive muscle relaxation is another effective way to relax. It necessitates alternately tensing and relaxing each muscle group in your body, starting from your toes and progressing to your head. This practice enables you to become more attuned to physical sensations and diverts your mind from stressful thoughts.


Another critical component of mindfulness practices is maintaining a consistent schedule. Much like how you schedule your study sessions, allocate a specific time in your day for relaxation practices. This could be early in the morning to set your day on a positive and relaxed note, or late in the evening to wash away the day's stress and prepare yourself for a good night's sleep.

Mindfulness and relaxation exercises also offer cumulative benefits. You may not notice dramatic changes initially but rest assured that these small steps can lead to significant improvements in stress management over time. You may start to perceive your ability to focus increasing and find that you're more calm amidst challenges — skills invaluable not just during exams, but in your life ahead.

Finally, remember that it's completely normal to experience stress during exams. What matters is how effectively you handle it. Mindfulness and relaxation techniques serve as valuable tools to navigate through this high-pressure time. Adopting these practices isn't about eliminating stress altogether; it's about equipping yourself with the means to manage stress better and improving your overall wellbeing. Keep practicing, and you will cultivate a more resilient and focused mind, fortifying yourself against the stresses that exams can bring.

Justina Thompson

Justina Thompson

Justina "Farmer J" Thompson is the Farm Education and Volunteer Manager at Urban Creators, Philadelphia, PA. Justina intentionally attended school in Philadelphia so she could “connect her passion and experience to the ongoing environmental justice work in the area.” As a speaker, educational curriculum designer, program leader, and community organizer, Justina possesses extensive knowledge on urban farming inspired to work in the field of environmental justice from a young age.
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