Aanya Sahu

Aanya Sahu is a student contributor to the SAGE Scholars Newsroom and a high school junior in the Chicagoland area. Her favorite subjects are Science and Math, and she has a problem solving and creative thinking mindset which led her invention, The ChargAir, to win the Young Visioneer Award at the 2019 National Invention Convention. She believes that writing for SAGE Scholars will give her a voice to share her story with students from around the world giving them some guidance and advice. In her freetime, Aanya can be found playing with her dog Princess, practicing Scholastic Bowl questions, or watching nature documentaries.

Articles By Aanya Sahu

By: Aanya Sahu — October 3, 2022
The best way into a teacher's heart is to be a good student. A good student shows respect, pays attention, participates in class, works hard, asks questions, and turns in assignments on time. Teachers appreciate it when people recognize their efforts. By showing up as a good student, you show that you value the class and respect the time and effort the teacher puts in.

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To provide our SAGE Scholars’ families the knowledge they need to prepare and matriculate into member schools, we seek highly qualified writers and students to contribute to our Newsroom. Interested in joining the team?

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